Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Welcome to Crazyville

Here is the last two weeks of my life in a nutshell...

Steve and I had a great time in SF. We cannot find the cord to our old camera, since we rarely use that camera. There was one night I would have broken up with him if we had only been dating, but, since we are no longer just dating, I got over it...

I found out that Steve will be throwing the first pitch for a Stockton Ports baseball game dressed up as Smokey the Bear in a couple weeks (for those who don't know, he works for the Forest Service). This might just turn into the highlight of my summer.

Finally, after much drama, my boss got fired yesterday, or in PC terms, due to re-structuring there is no longer need for her job. What this means-lots more work for me... Promotion? Raise? Only God knows. Right now I am just trying to clean up her mess.

So, like I said a few weeks ago, "The winds of change are always blowing."

1 comment:

islandgirl said...

I want pictures of Steve as Smokey the Bear!