Thursday, October 29, 2009


I am a wine-o, and not that I am proud of it, but it just happened. Wine, is probably my favorite beverage in the world (even though I drink a lot more water than wine).

All that being said, Southwest was having a sale, so I just purchased tickets to go to la la land and visit my favorite island girl. Partly because she has driven to my world so much lately and partly (hmmm.. mostly) because she made me promise that I would come see her in LA before I got knocked up again so that we could drink a bottle (perhaps more) of wine together.

This island girl shares my love for wine, and last time she was up realized I was pregnant about 1 minute after she arrived when she started having a glass of wine, and I politely declined and said I would stick with water that night.

Gosh darn friends, it is impossible to keep secrets from them.

1 comment:

islandgirl said...

Yay! Let's be winos together! I am so excited you are coming to the land of the lalas....who knows what trouble we might get into. This time lets really go out instead of just threatening!