Friday, October 24, 2008

Wedding Hair

So, I think it is finally official. I have a wedding hair style. Let me tell you that it did not come a moment to soon either. Had I had another bad hair style from my sister-in-law we might have come to blows. Way to much drama surrounding hair.

So, this is how the hair looks from the back. My hair piece is freaking awesome, but I don't think it is going to go on the back of my head like we did it here, instead it is going to go on the side. That is the way I first saw it when I decided to get the hairpiece, and I think that is the way that I like it best. So it is going on the side of my head.

This picture does not do justice for how cool it looks. It took two hours to do it all, so it looks like there will be no escaping me getting up at 6 am on D-Day.
All for the price of beauty too...
For those who are wondering, I am not wearing a veil. This is it for the flash and flare. I am not wearing a necklace either, I am just going to wear some dangle earrings and call it good. Even though the hair style does not show it, I am in fact a simple girl.

1 comment:

islandgirl said...

Very nice! I love it!! I don't have to get up that early on D-Day, do I?