Friday, November 14, 2008

One Joy

One joy of not being in school right now is that I have regained the ability to read whatever I want, whenever I want. I have just finally read The Alchemist, a book someone... gave me a long time ago to read, and I have started My Sister's Keeper, a book I have wanted to read for years, but never had a chance in the midst of the short break between semesters. The break between the semesters was the only time I allowed myself to read fun books, because for some reason when one is reading some historical novel or something else, reading up on Hofstede is just not as exciting. I realize most reading this blog will have no idea who Hofstede is. He made a lot of advances in Intercultural and International Communication, as for as reading goes though, not so much fun.

So, reading whatever I want= very fun. Not having to worry about homework= very fun. There is still a big part of me that wants to be working on my master though, hopefully someday in the near future.


Sarah said...

oooohh. I LOVED "My Sisters Keeper".... I hope you do!

islandgirl said...

The Alchemist and My Sister's Keeper...both books that I loved!!